Agenda item

Burwell Hall Changing Rooms

To receive and consider the report of the Project Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Project Officer concerning future refurbishment of Burwell Hall Changing Rooms.


Members were presented with a project brief based on the decisions of the previous Council administration and were happy to proceed on that basis. There were some issues raised about the possibility of completing the project by August, with the Committee not wanting the facility to be out of action during the season. It was therefore sensible to proceed with this in mind when tendering and consulting with clubs and to aim for the installation of external lockers in the first instance; the management of the remaining refurbishment being delegated to officers within these agreed parameters.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the Project Brief, as outlined be agreed and,

3.      That, management of the project and timescales be delegated to officers so they may expediate completion if possible or provide an update to a future meeting.

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