Agenda item

Committee Objectives and Work Programme for The Municipal Year

To receive the report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O. concerning its objectives and work programme for the forthcoming year.


Members were advised there were several projects underway and programmed for the forthcoming year at The Leys, Burwell Changing Rooms and West Witney Sports Ground and raised several questions concerning the above, answered by the Town Clerk.


This was also an opportunity to raise other objectives and projects which could be funded either within budget or scoped out by officers in the coming months.


The possibility of repairing the Parkrun course at West Witney was raised by a Member, along with a potential BMX/Wheeled Sports facility; the latter could be tied into a Major Project in the area noted in the following report.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the current objective and work programme be agreed and,

3.      That, Parkrun path at West Witney and a BMX/Wheeled Sports facility be added to the plan for further consideration by officers.

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