Agenda item

Open Spaces Strategy

To receive and consider the report of the Park Ranger/Biodiversity Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Biodiversity Officer.


Members heard that progress was underway on the action points relating to the Lake, Country Park, and Open Spaces in the Council’s adopted Open Spaces Strategy. There was little more that could be done by officers at this point, however the current work would be expanded on, mostly with the help of volunteers in the coming months. The Committee welcomed the feedback and were pleased to hear the number of volunteers was growing.




1.            That, the report be noted and,

2.            That, the Council has a Tree policy which outlines its strategy going forward.

3.            That, the Council has a significant resource, and it needs to be made use of and maintained to facilitate use by as wide a range of users as possible.

4.            That, the Lake & Country Park should be promoted as a “health and wellbeing” resource.

5.            That, the value of volunteers is enormous in both the output of their work and also more importantly the social interactions and wellbeing created in a like-minded, well-motivated and confidently led team.


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