To receive and consider the report of the Park Ranger/Biodiversity Officer.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Biodiversity Officer.
Members were presented with a report which was presented to the Council in 2022 which highlighted the Council’s current tree and hedging stock and proposals on how these could be increased over the coming years. The report was comprehensive, and officers were able to utilise many aspects in long term management plans and projects, but there were also some aspects which simply would not be possible due to designated land use.
The Committee agreed that officers should explore projects on a case-by-case basis as and when time allowed to bring the proposals, such as a community orchard to fruition. With the right support and resources, the Council could maximise its potential to increase the natural capital of green spaces.
1. That the report be noted and
2. That each area needed to be looked at on a “case by case“ basis.
Supporting documents: