Agenda item

WODC - Electric Vehicle (EV) Car Club Scheme at Woodford Way

To note that Enterprise are willing to provide one EV for a trial period of 6 months and at no cost to the District Council, and it will be stationed at one of the EV charging points (EVCPs).


WODC views this as an excellent opportunity to encourage greener travel at an affordable price for residents, and to learn how to increase EV car clubs across the district. As the EVCPs are being under-utilised in this car park, EZ-Charge (EVCP operator) welcomes the car club.


Members are asked for any feedback on the scheme.


The Committee were pleased to hear that an opportunity for residents to experience the use of Electric Vehicles (EV) would be possible under this scheme.


A Member had already heard of the news and reported to the committee that the scheme was not yet live on the Enterprise website but looking at other similar schemes in the area it looked very promising. Members were keen to encourage use as there was no known car share scheme in the witney area.




1.      That, the council would actively promote the scheme and,

2.      That, the council does not have any feedback for WODC regarding the scheme  currently.