Agenda item

Coronation of King Charles III

To receive the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.



The Committee received and considered the report of the Communications and Community Engagement Officer.


Members agreed that the Town Council’s Coronation offer should be a “simple but engaging event” and that this was in line with the wishes of the King.


Members discussed the proposed schedule of events and offered the following amended draft structure.


Saturday – A non-ticketed showing of the Coronation using the newly installed projector and screen in the Corn Exchange. This would be followed in the afternoon by a Childrens activity event in the Gallery Room. The Mayor would also judge a best dressed shop competition.


Sunday – Celebrate the “Coronation Big Lunches” The Leys would be used by the community to have a picnic between 2-6pm, Windrush Radio had been approached regarding hosting the event and those groups that were due to perform in the Market Square on Bank Holiday would be invited to perform as part of the Sunday event instead.


Monday – Promote the “Big Help Out” scheme with the idea of a litter picking event to include the collaboration/relaunch of the Witney Land Army and Volunteer Link-Up.


One member was passionate about the need for councillors to engage with the celebrations and support their fellow councillors and council staff in ensuring that they attend and more importantly help with the running of the events.


Members agreed to delegate the decision of the organisation of the events programme to the Communications & Community Engagement Officer in conjunction with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor in order to expediate decisions given the limited time until the event weekend.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, decisions on the Coronation Events be delegated to Officers in conjunction with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to expediate the planning of the events and,

3.      That, purchase of a coronation flag is made to be flown from the Town Hall and,

4.      That, an additional budget of £3,500 be made available towards the cost of coronation events.


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