To receive the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the County Council’s preferred process in dealing with waterway blockages which are the responsibility of riparian owners.
There was concern from Members that if the town council became involved with this process, there was intimated liability on an issue in which it had no remit or statutory duty. The Local Flood Authority (LFA), Oxfordshire County Council was responsible for ensuring these issues were concluded satisfactorily and blockages were removed before flooding occurred. There was, however, recognition the town council was in a position to help concerned residents by reporting any blockages to the LFA directly if informed and chase up actions to resolve them. There were suggestions on how best to advertise this process and gather riparian landowner details from a local action group.
1. That, the report be noted and,
2. That, Witney Town Council supports local residents with waterway blockage concerns by forwarding the matter to Oxfordshire County Council (as the LFA) with riparian owner details if available.
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