Agenda item

Notice of Definitive Map Notice of landowner deposit

To receive correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council, deferred to this Committee from the Full Council meeting on 10 October 2022.


The Committee received and considered the correspondence deferred from the meeting of Full Council on 10th October 2022 concerning land adjacent to Cogges Priory at Langel Common.


Members discussed that there were several paths that were walked regularly by the public on this area of land which have gone unchallenged for a number of years. Access to the land was not restricted, in part, due to the poor maintenance of the fencing around the land but cost permitting, an application to retain these paths should be made.


Members agreed to delegate to the Deputy Town Clerk to contact  West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) to scope out if an application for Village Green status would be beneficial.




1.      That, the correspondence be noted and,

2.      That, a Definitive Map Modification Order be considered for the paths and,

3.      That, the Deputy Town Clerk writes to WODC to enquire about village green status.


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