To receive the report of the Operations Manager.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Operation Manager.
A member gave a verbal report on the issue to say that the plan was to install three or four solar lights at ground level to provide a small amount of light, similar to that which is used in sport facilities to light pathways. Though the cost was unknown to him, he expected it to be in the minimal and would come from his councillor priority funding.
Officers advised, that on an agreement in principle, the Witney Allotment Association should be consulted out of courtesy to see what impact this may incur.
Members raised a concern but were assured by the Member that any ongoing maintenance and responsibility would lie with Oxfordshire County Council.
It was also highlighted that this path had come up as an issue in both the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and Thames Valley & District Council’s Safer Streets’ reviews.
1. That, the report be noted and,
2. That, the Allotment Association should be approached to seek their agreement to the installation.
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