Agenda item

Planning Applications

To receive and consider a schedule of Planning Applications from West Oxfordshire District Council.


Also, to consider as a neighbouring parish, application 23/00179/FUL. The construction and operation of an anaerobic digestion facility, ancillary infrastructure and the construction of a new access road and access from South Leigh Road. Land South East Of B4022 Oxford Road Witney Oxfordshire.



The Committee received and considered a schedule of planning applications from West Oxfordshire District Council.


In addition, the Committee also discussed planning application 23/00179/FUL for an Anaerobic Digestion Facility in the neighbouring South Leigh parish.


The Committee objected to the application on grounds of transport, road safety and community benefit.




That, the comments, as per the attached schedule and for 23/00179/FUL, be forwarded to West Oxfordshire District Council.

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