To receive and consider the confidential report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk along with a verbal update.
Members were disappointed to hear that the painting contractor for West Witney tennis courts could not return until spring to resolve issues with the Court re-coating and understood officers had done all they could at this point on this matter.
Members discussed the County Council’s Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and an application under the Wildlife & Countryside Act pertaining to land adjacent to Lakeside Allotments.
1. That, the report be noted and,
2. That, the update on West Witney Tennis Courts re-coating be noted and,
3. That, an objection is submitted regarding the LCWIP to use of land adjacent to Lakeside Allotments as a cycling and walking route and,
4. That, the Council objects to the application under the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
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