Agenda item

Financial Report & Associated Matters

To receive the joint report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O & Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received the joint report of the Deputy Town Clerk and Town Clerk/CEO.


The Deputy Town Clerk gave a verbal update to explain that a Fire Safety Strategy was needed for the Corn Exchange once the retractable seating was installed,  further quotes were awaited in addition to the one received but the amount of £2,750 would be the likely cost.


Members discussed the awarding of an additional grant amount of £100s to Witney Rotary Club in respect of the Christmas Light switch on event and also the annual £2,000 grant award to Citizens Advice (Witney). Members agreed that these awards should be made due to the community benefit.


Members discussed the Burwell Hall toilet refurbishment; it was agreed that the proposal put forward by the Operations Manager was a good solution within the budget constraints that exist.




1.      That, the report, and verbal updates be noted and,

2.      That, the recommendations of the spending committees as detailed in the report be approved and,

3.      That, the Council employs a company to complete a fire strategy and,

4.      That, Witney Rotary Club be awarded an additional £100 towards the cost of the Christmas Light switch on event and,

5.      That, this be awarded under the General Power of Competence and that the recipients be asked to acknowledge the Council’s financial contribution in the future and,

6.      That, the annual grant of £2,000 be approved to Citizens Advice (Witney) and,

7.      That, this grant be awarded under Section 142(2a) of the Local Government Act 1972 from budget line (4101/407)

8.      That, repairs to Burwell Hall Toilets to be carried out by the council works team within the £12,000 allocated budget.


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