Agenda item

Revenue Growth Items, Special Revenue Projects and Capital Projects

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/CEO with an update on the current year’s work programme relating to Capital and Special Revenue Projects; as well as projects identified during the course of the year for inclusion as Revenue Growth Items or Special Revenue Projects in the Council’s Revenue Budget or Capital Projects for 2023/24 and beyond.


The Committee received the report of the Town Clerk/CEO.


Members, having considered the various projects that the Park Ranger had proposed, and the costs associated with their implementation were pleased that many only had a small capital cost, the substantive one being that of the time of the Ranger and the maintenance team.


The Committee discussed the cost of surveys that the Park Ranger required to allow him to apply for both the Local Nature Reserve (LNR) accreditation and future potential grant applications. These four or five surveys were estimated to cost approx. £5,000 in total and would need to be carried out around May 2023 as this is when wildlife and plant life is active. Members requested this is added to the draft budget as a priority.




1.     That, the report be noted and,

2.     That, the projects suggested by the Park Ranger proceed and,

3.     That, £5,000 is budgeted for the commissioning of reports to assist in the LNR accreditation and future grant applications.


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