Agenda item

Finance Report: Revised Revenue Budget 2022/23 and Draft Base Revenue Budget for 2023/24

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/CEO and the Draft Revised Revenue Budget for 2022/23 and Draft Budget for 2023/24.



The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk/CEO updating on budget spending to date for 2022/23 and items for the 2023/24 draft budget.


Members discussed  budget item 4918/800 - Building Energy Efficiency, and agreed  technical consultees should be engaged, and reports produced so that the council could create building energy actions plans and be in the best position to make any grant applications that arise. It was advised that grant applications usually have short deadlines to be met and having the reports in hand will assist with the process. The Committee also requested that the £20,000 set aside is rolled over to 2023/24.


The Committee also agreed to rollover the remaining earmarked reserves of £30,000 for Burwell Heating System (372) and £29,200 for Electric Vehicles (370). Members requested that an additional £15,000 is budgeted for Electrical Vehicle and £30,000 for Climate Emergency.




1.     That, the report be noted and,

2.     That, energy audit reports are commissioned for the councils’ buildings and,

3.     That, the earmarked reserves are rolled over as stated and,

4.     That, additional funds are budgeted for Electrical Vehicles and Climate Emergency


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