To consider a response to the correspondence received from Cornerstone regarding a proposed upgrade to the mobile phone mast on Oxford Hill.
The Committee received and considered correspondence from Cornerstone Telecommunications, Infrastructure Ltd. regarding a proposed upgrade to the existing monopole installation at Oxford Hill, Witney.
Members agreed that any definitive response should only be provided through the planning process once an application had been submitted, however, they recognised the willingness of the correspondent to engage with the community and Council on the matter.
The need for upgrading mobile infrastructure was clearly understood but the Council raised comments regarding the aesthetics of the monopole at a gateway to the town and whether an alternative location might be considered whether it could be disguised as a tree as had been achieved in other locations, and the potential loss of and future maintenance of trees in this vicinity should it move to planning stage.
1. That, the correspondence be noted and,
2. That, the comments above be forwarded to the correspondent.
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