Agenda item

Consultation on Proposed Main Modifications to the Salt Cross Garden Village Area Action Plan

As per minute number P511, at the meeting of this Committee on 4th October 2022, Members agreed that discussion on this item would be continued at the meeting on 25th October, allowing all members further time to review the documents.


The Committee, having decided at the meeting of Climate, Planning & Biodiversity on 4 October 2022 to defer the discussion to allow members longer to consider the changes continued their discussions in respect to the proposed modifications to the plan.


Members thanked officers for summarising their previous comments and expressed their disappointment at the stark differences between the revised action plan document compared to the original. Previously, key objectives had been identified for the delivery of the scheme which now appeared to have been diluted or rescinded.


The Committee objected to the changes to A40 underpass wording which would appear to offer developers a way out of meeting the obligation of providing this important item of infrastructure.


The loss of cycle provision was also a concern to members, and they discussed that provision of safe cycleways should not be reduced, indeed provision should also be considered for safe cycling in all direction of the garden village.


The members concerns continued with the loss of green and carbon neutral housing specifications and they were particularly disappointed with the dilution of the  key goal of net zero carbon. The loss of a Salt Cross Garden Village Trust may also result in higher management charges being applied to residents and see delays in the delivery of infrastructure and amenity provision.




1.            That, the correspondence from WODC be noted, and

2.            That, a response encompassing the above points be submitted in response.

Supporting documents: