Agenda item

External Contracts & Licences

To receive and consider the confidential report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received and considered the confidential report of the Town Clerk/CEO concerning contracts and licences that were approaching renewal.


Members considered the options for Human Resources and Health & Safety support. The Committee discussed the merits of using a new provider who was local and could offer a more bespoke service in respect of these areas.


The Town Clerk updated the Committee that further to her report that the current food vendor at West Witney had advised that he would be removing his van and therefore consideration should be made for a replacement vendor. Members considered the request from Olive’s Kitchen who had approached the Council and agreed that we offer a 6-month trial period at an the already agreed rate for this pitch.




1.      That, the confidential report of the Town Clerk/CEO be noted and,

2.      That, YouHR Consultancy be appointed as the Council’s new HR provider and,

3.      That, GH Safety be appointed as the Councils new H&S provider and,

4.      That, annual renewal of the ModenGov software is agreed and,

5.      That Bidwells are appointed on a retained basis as professional property and estate management consultants and,

6.      That, Agreement is drawn up with Olive’s Kitchen as food vendor at West Witney Sports Ground.


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