Agenda item

Property & Legal Matters

To receive and consider the Town Clerk’s confidential report.


The Committee received and considered the confidential report of the Town Clerk/CEO concerning Property and legal matters.


The Town Clerk advised that due to the withdrawal of the external decorating contractor some of the work had commenced and would be completed by the Councils maintenance operatives.  However, Officers would have to once again go out to tender for the remaining works to be completed in the Spring 2023.


Members were advised that a number of assets due to be transferred to the Town Council from the District Council, were continuing to be delayed for legal reasons.


Members considered the unauthorised use of the lake at the country park by boaters and paddleboarders and that due to the safety issue urgent action was required.  It was agreed that the budget set aside for Water Safety/Education could be used to fund safety signage.


The Committee considered the report regarding the Carillon at St Marys Church. It was felt that as there was currently a fundraising effort around the bells, this work wasn’t urgent and in fact, given the significant cost, depending on the success of the fundraising funding might be found elsewhere.




1.                That, the confidential report of the Town Clerk/CEO be noted and,

2.                That, the Park Ranger looks into suitable safety signage for the lake to deter unauthorised boaters and paddleboarders as a matter for urgency and,

3.                That, the required non urgent repairs to St Marys Clock are noted.

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