Agenda item

Budget Parameters 2023/24, Capital & Special Revenue Projects 2023/24 and beyond

To receive and consider a report of the Town Clerk/RFO.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk/RFO, in which she was seeking some guidance in respect of Members expectations so that she could try and calculate as accurate budget as possible.


The Members noted that that the national pay negotiations would result in higher staff costs for the current year than previously budgeted. And that most public services were being pressured to offer double digit % increases.


The Committee asked that RPI was used as a consideration when reviewing the fees and charges for its services – such as Halls, pitches and cemeteries.


Members were pleased to hear that currently the Council is contracted to very competitive rates of energy, however this contract is due to end in March 2023 and if rates have not settled or decreased there would be a significant increase in energy costs. Though some assistance may be available from a government support scheme.




That, the report be noted, and the Town Clerk base her budget calculations as per the discussions.


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