Agenda item

Financial Report & Associated Financial Matters

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk and Town Clerk.


PR446 – A member advised that the £1,250 was for the cost of anti-slip testing, should it be required, and not the cost for re-coating the courts. However the Town Clerk was able to provide an update that the Witney Lawn Tennis club had reported that the courts were not as slippy – therefore it was unlikely the Council needed to proceed with this slip test after all.


Regarding the Corn Exchange pavement licence, District Council Member at the meeting advised that the £100 cost of the renewal would be waived by West Oxfordshire District Council.




1.      That, the report be noted, and

2.      That, PR446 wording is amended to reflect the cost of anti-slip testing, and

3.      That, Corn Exchange pavement licence renewal to be submitted, and

4.      That, the cost of £1,700 for the additional core sample is noted, and

5.      That, the cost of update to M365 licenses is noted, and

6.      That, the costs of upgrading the Councils IT infrastructure to be added to 2023/24 budget is noted.

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