Agenda item

Youth Services Grant Awards 2022-23

To receive the recommendations from the Stronger Communities Committee on distribution of the town council’s youth services grant for 2022-23.


The Committee considered six applications for funding from the Youth Services Grant funding for 2022 and noted that the grant totals requested totalled £103,573.58, exceeding the £40,000 which was allocated.


The Chair of the Stronger Communities Committee updated Members on what they had heard during public participation at the meeting on 26 September and it was agreed that all the applicants were worthy causes that supported young people in and around the town. However, the award scheme was funded by Witney rate payers and therefore should benefit its residents. A percentage share of the budget had been considered but it was felt that the applicants offering the most pressing and direct services should receive larger amounts, whilst those that had sizable reserves should receive less or no award at all.


To that respect the Committee agreed the following distribution:


Got2B CIC                                                                       £20,000

Home-start Oxford                                                       £10,000

APCAM                                                                            £5,000

Oxfordshire Music & Arts Trust (OxMAT)               £2,500

Parish of Witney                                                            £2,500

Aspire Oxfordshire                                                        No Award




1.      That the report be noted and,

2.      That the Youth Services Grant totalling £40,000 be distributed as detailed above.

Supporting documents: