To receive the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.
The committee received and considered the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.
Members received updates on a blue plaque for Alice Batt, Citizen of the year Awards, Christmas Light Switch on, a potential charity calendar and In Bloom.
1. That the report be noted and,
2. That, the council facilitates the Blue Plaque reception for Alice Batt in the Corn Exchange on 1 October with the remaining £200 budget.
3. That, the council run Citizen of the Year awards for 2022 and explore the inclusion of a sporting achievement category.
4. That, the Citizen of the Year award ceremony is held separate to the Annual Town Meeting.
5. That, the idea of a charity calendar is supported however further investigation would be required and therefore would not be possible for 2023.
6. That, Christmas light switch on to be held on 2 December at the request of The Rotary Club of Witney.
7. That, the advent fayre to be held on Sunday 27 November.
8. That, the remaining 2022-23 In Bloom budget be earmarked for a more impactful community project. Possibly willow sheep on roundabouts.
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