Agenda item

Public Halls Report

To receive the report of the Venue & Events Officer.


The committee received and considered the report of the Venue & Events Officer and hall usage figures of the Bookings Administrator.


Members considered the introduction of a scheme to allow local artists to display their work in the Corn Exchange. It was felt that this is a positive idea and was in keeping with the recent introduction of allowing local charity and volunteer groups to display in the window of the Town Hall Administration office.


A fee to display or commission of any sales is deemed not necessary. The committee would like those that wish to display to be limited to a few weeks to allow for Witney Town Council to advertise these limited exhibitions.


An agreement would need to be drawn up for the artist to sign to negate the Council’s liability the security of the artwork in a public facility could not be guaranteed.




  1. That, the report and usage figures be noted and,
  2. That, The Venue & Events Officer arranges a bookable calendar of exhibitions by local artists and,
  3. That, an agreement is created to be signed by artist to confirm they accept liability for their artwork being displayed at the facility.


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