Agenda item

Children's Memorial Garden

To receive and consider the report of the Project Officer.


The report of the Project Officer was received and considered.


The committee welcomed a suggestion the memorial could be located in part of Windrush Cemetery which was not useable for burials and were supportive of engraved stones bearing children’s names, hoping the latter would not be interfered with.


There also agreed that consultation with the Ranger on the biodiversity aspect would be beneficial and a planted memorial archway was mooted if possible.


Members did however, have concerns about the creation of a pond and on its condition It had the potential to look stagnant after a short period of time from the falling of leaves from the trees and to overflow and  run off onto the surrounding ground. The pond also posed a health and safety risk for families visiting the cemetery.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the suggestion of a pond is not progressed and,

3.      That, officers investigate the idea of a memorial archway and engraved stones at the

identified site.

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