Agenda item

Play Area Review

To receive the report of the Project Officer.


The Committee received and considered the comprehensive report of the Project Officer, following her review of all the play areas in the Town Council’s ownership, in order to try and develop a programme of renewals.  This had been in line with the Open Spaces Strategy action IS1.


Members discussed the priority of refurbishments, and pointed out that the report should extend to the Ralegh Crescent and Unterhaching Play Areas as these would eventually be transferred over from WODC, and some were already showing signs of wear and tear.


The Members requested that the Project Officer provide a timeline of replacements in order to calculate an annual budget that needed to be set aside and suggested that £50,000 should be budgeted for each play area.


Inclusive equipment was also considered, and Members felt strongly that thought should be given to the age ranges.




1.      That the report of the Project officer be noted;

2.      That a task and finish group as suggested by the Project Officer to lead on the future management plan is not required;

3.      That a tour of the play areas is not required;

4.      That the Committee agreed with the priority of refurbishments as set out in the report;

5.      That the Committee agreed to taking  a Holistic approach to renewing play areas;

6.      That the Committee requested that the Project Officer  provide a timeline with the estimated replacement date of each play area, based on the life span of each play area being 15 years;

7.      That  at least one piece of inclusive equipment be installed in each play area and the play provision  be thought through in relation to the age of children;

8.      That a budget of  £50,000 per play area be agreed and spread over the entire length of the timeline agreed at resolution 6 above;.

9.      That the report be extended to include Ralegh Crescent, Unterhaching Play Area – and Waterford Road and Cedar Drive as these will eventually be transferred over to Witney Town Council , with these being included in the timeline and budget projections.

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