To receive the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning grant and subsidised letting requests.
Members acknowledged recommendations of the Parks & Recreation and Stronger Communities Committees regarding a subsidised letting agreement for Got2b CIC and grant for Witney Voice Box Choir.
The Committee, while understanding of a retrospective application for a subsidised let at the Corn Exchange to help a national charity appeal, had no choice but to reject this as it was late, and the organisation was a church, and the Council cannot financially assist ecclesiastical organisations under statute.
A final request from Oxfordshire Music & Arts Trust (OXMAT) to draw on the remaining funds of their Youth Grant Award 2021 was received. Members were supportive of releasing the amount of £3,834 towards a winter festival, which was a change from their original application, and subsidised use of the Corn Exchange from these funds.
1. That, the report be noted and,
2. That, the grant of £100 towards Witney Voice Box Choir be noted and,
3. That, the subsidised letting award of £368.80 to Got2b CIC be noted and,
4. That, these grants be awarded under the General Power of Competence and that the recipients be asked to acknowledge the Council’s financial contribution in their promotional literature and,
5. That, the subsidised letting application from White Feather Spiritualist Church be declined and,
6. That, the Grants Policy be amended to advise that retrospective applications will not be considered and,
7. That, the remaining Youth Grant Award 2021 of £3,834 be released to OXMAT (to include a hire charge of the Corn Exchange).
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