To receive a verbal update from the Deputy Town Clerk.
The Deputy Town Clerk provided the committee with a verbal update on initiatives across the Council estate which crossed over with the climate aspirations of this committee and where further reports had not yet been presented.
Members were advised that a Fuel Cell CHP Boiler had been agreed at Burwell Hall by the Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments Committee. There was some concern this solution was not as environmentally friendly as other options, but the Council was constrained by the cost of these. It would provide a greener option and would work well with the development of changing rooms at the Hall.
Changes had been made to Council’s facilities and operations including procurement of plastic free sanitary equipment and the impending tendering for a more environmentally friendly printing contract and an electric works vehicle. It was advised that officers were exploring purchasing more electric work items, but this was proving problematic as some alternatives didn’t exist.
Regarding other buildings and the estate, although funds had been allocated to these for climate initiatives, several were tied up with long-term projects and plans had not yet been finalised. The Chair advised there had been approach from a group of residents regarding solar panels at Madley Park Hall and they would be contacting the Council regarding their proposals in due course. At the Country Park, the Environment Agency had begun clearing debris from the river through the section owned by the Council.
In response to a Member, it was advised that a Carbon Footprint document for the Council’s Estate and forward plan, while started, had not been completed due to resourcing issues but it was essential to deliver the Councils Climate Objectives.
In terms of encouraging active travel, the committee heard that Car Free Day would be held on 22 September, 20mph speed restriction proposals were with the County Council for a decision, and the vandalised bike repair stands at the Leys and in Market Square were proving costly to repair. On the latter, members suggested contacting Active Oxfordshire to see if further funding was available.
That, the updates be noted.