Agenda item

Wildflower Planting

To receive the report of the Maintenance and Environmental Services Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer concerning wildflower planting.


Members were pleased with what had been achieved this summer but there was some concern that the sowing of annual wildflower seed beds was more akin to regular planting. A more bio-diverse approach had been utilised in other areas, such as Windrush Cemetery so there was a need for both kinds of approach. In terms of increasing biodiversity, the wildflower seed beds should be scaled up with bee friendly flowers; these extended areas contributing towards a biodiverse corridor in the town.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That the extension of the wildflower areas at Oxlease and the Cemeteries be supported under the current wildflower seed bed scheme in these areas to create a wildlife corridor and,

3.      That, Wild Witney be asked to carry out wildflower planting at the Lake & Country Park along the yellow rattle long-term approach and,

4.      That, Witney Land Army be approached to see if they would like to carry out wildflower seed planting this autumn.


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