To receive the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Communications and Community Engagement Officer concerning communications and strategy review.
Members welcomed the review and noted the updates and suggestions provided. It was pleasing to see that so many actions were either completed or in development.
With regard to the Website, members noted that the current website was suitable and for what was required but recognised the benefit of outsourcing the hosting to an external provider. This would help facilitate a transfer to a template and free up officer time while also retaining some editorial control to update pages and news items. It was agreed that officers should obtain quotes for this project to present at the September meeting and in the meantime the streamlining of the Website should continue with an ‘Our Partners’ page added so this could be migrated as and when required.
Members also noted the Press & Media Coverage attachment and thanked officers for recent social media posts which were eye-catching and promoting the positive work of the Council.
1. That, the report be noted and,
2. That, the additions to the Communications Strategy (as circulated), be incorporated into the updated document and,
3. That, officers seek quotations for outsourcing the website in time for the next meeting of the Committee and,
4. That, the current website continues to be streamlined and an ‘Our Partners’ page added and,
5. That, the Press and Media Coverage be noted.
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