Agenda item

Illumination of Corn Exchange & Flag Flying

To receive the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The committee received and considered the report of Deputy Town Clerk.


Members asked for clarification from the Deputy Town Clerk as to which days were to be affected by the change to flag flying. It was confirmed that the new policy only affected the extended royal family birthdays and that such days as Remembrance Day and the opening of parliament would still be included.


With regards to illumination of the Corn Exchange, the committee agreed that any requests must be from a Witney resident or organisation based in Witney. Any further requests would be forwarded to the Leader and Mayor per the policy for agreement to proceed.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the Union flag flying days as notified by the Government be noted and,

3.      That, requests to illuminate the Corn Exchange must be made a Witney resident or organisation based in Witney.


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