Agenda item

Cemetery Regulations

To receive the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer and accompanying draft Cemetery Regulations.


The committee received a report from the Maintenance & Environmental Officer in respect of the new draft cemetery regulations document.


Members were assured that the main reason for the draft was to update the previous document which was produced in 2011 and to formalise procedures that have changed since that time.


The main points and changes were outlined, and the Committee welcomed the introduction of a simpler and cheaper proposal for burials in the Woodland section, as well as a cheaper alternative for families to use wooden crosses in place of more costly stone memorials.


There was discussion on the introduction of Kerbing sets, and it was advised their introduction would result in additional grounds maintenance work in terms of labour and cost. There was agreement the increased cost would have to be borne by all cemetery users which they believed would be unfair.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the Cemetery Regulations be amended and presented to the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee for adoption and,

3.      That, officers review new burial charges and,

4.      That, kerb sets on grave spaces is not introduced into the cemeteries and,

5.      That, weekend burials are only to be allowed in exceptional circumstances and should be charged to cover the cost to the Council.


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