Agenda item

A40 access to Witney Shores Green - Planning Reference R3.0039/22

To consider a consultation from Oxfordshire County Council in respect of an application for works associated with the construction of the A40 Shores Green Junction.


The deadline for a response has been extended until 1 June 2022.


The committee considered a consultation document from Oxfordshire County Council in respect of an application for works associated with the construction of the A40 Shores Green Junction.




That, Witney Town Council welcomes the application and looks forward to swift commencement of the scheme, once approved which will bring better, less congested, and safer access to the town. The plans appear to be well laid out and the Council is pleased to see the peripheral areas included, such as the shared cycle path which runs parallel to the slip road linking to Eton Close area and beyond; it is imperative this additional infrastructure is delivered with the development.



Supporting documents: