To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/RFO and the Deputy Town Clerk.
Income & Expenditure accounts for the 12 month period ending 31 March 2022 enclosed.
The report of the Town Clerk/CEO was considered.
The Deputy Town Clerk advised that following the Stronger Communities Committee meeting, Oxford Playhouse had submitted an updated proposal for an event on The Leys in late June at the cost of £1k for two days. Members considered the timescale and publicity for the event and noted that a budget was available. The committee agreed to support the event and noted that it could be accommodated at the same time as the circus on The Leys.
An update was given on works at St Mary’s Churchyard and it was resolved to delegate officers to agree the contractor for the works.
1. That, the recommendations of the spending committees as detailed in the report be approved;
2. That, £1k be allocated from the Subsidised Lettings Budget for the Oxford Playhouse - Playhouse Plays Out Tent Tour on The Leys with delegation to officers to finalise the details; and
3. That, delegation be given to the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer to agree a contractor for works at St Mary’s Churchyard.
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