Agenda item

Open Spaces Strategy - Part B

To receive the report/verbal update of the Town Clerk & CEO.


The Committee considered the confidential report of the Town Clerk/RFO in respect of the Action Plan from the Open Spaces Strategy document and Major Capital Projects agreed as part of the budget setting cycle earlier in the year.


Members discussed the project for the Burwell Changing Rooms and considered the fee proposal for professional services to progress the plans. It was agreed that the company mentioned in the report be appointed. The Chair asked if this could be progressed swiftly as it had been identified earlier as a priority project for this Committee.


The Committee considered details, together with the information provided by Courtside CIC, regarding a masterplan for the Ley Recreation Ground. Discussion ensued regarding options for the redevelopment, financial implications and consultation. Members agreed that the project should be progressed and suggested that the Council appoints a Working Party to oversee the plans.


The Town Clerk updated members on a site visit that had been held with West Oxfordshire District Council to look at options for the provision of 3G pitch. It was noted that it was difficult to accommodate at West Witney Sports Ground so other options were being considered and a report would be bought back to members.




1.       That, the fee proposal from Ridge & Partners for the design/plans for additional changing rooms extending Burwell Hall be approved;

2.       That, the recommendations from Courtside CIC regarding a masterplan for the Leys Recreation Ground be progressed with a Working Party being appointed at Full Council to oversee the project; and

3.       That it is RECOMMENDED to Policy, Governance & Finance that the budgets set aside for the Skate park and the Leys Recreation Ground Sewerage/other works be included in the financial plan as match funding towards any grant applications if applicable;

4.       That, the update on the 3G pitch and west Witney Sports Ground be noted.