Agenda item

Tower Hill New Family Ashes Section

To consider the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer


The committee considered the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer.


Members thanked the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer for the report and the proactive approach that was being recommended. Members considered the proposals and supported the reduction in ashes plot sizes together with changes to the exclusive rights. In respect of Windrush Cemetery it was agreed that this should be looked at as well to ensure consistency.




1.       That, the plot size be reduced to 1.8m x 1.2m for Section 3 of Tower Hill Cemetery;

2.       That, the new period of exclusive rights of burial at Tower Hill to 30 years be approved to help extend the useability of the cemetery; and

3.       That, officers be delegated to research if similar alterations at Windrush cemetery are needed and report back to Councillors.


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