To receive and consider the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer.
Consideration was given to the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer.
Members welcomed the report and emphasised the need for local authorities to work together and share information. It was noted that the Town Council was not the lead authority for emergency planning but could have a role in providing accommodation during emergencies, maintaining land owned by the Council, staff resources in working hours and grant aid.
The committee considered and supported the main recommendations in the report and it was noted that recommendation 4 would need to be resolved in exempt session.
1. That, Witney Town Council maintenance staff assisting in an emergency in contracted working hours be included in the emergency plan;
2. That, making Town Council facilities available as places of safety in an emergency be incorporated into the plan; and
3. That, officers be designated to work with Witney Flood Mitigation Group on a grant bid for flood prevention equipment.
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