Agenda item

Salt Cross Garden Village AAP Examination

Salt Cross Garden Village AAP Examination - Request for comments on additional work and note on agreed actions. A letter from the Planning Inspectors inviting participants in the Examination to comment on new material.



The committee received details of suggested modifications to the Area Action Plan (AAP) for the Salt Cross Garden Village at Eynsham.


It was noted that any previous comments submitted would remain relevant and responses were being sought in respect of modifications identified in the report. Members welcomed the amendments made in respect of public transport routes. The committee suggested that a response should be submitted emphasising the need to ensure connectivity around the site, design if infrastructure to protect vulnerable users such as pedestrians and cyclists and the need for safe access between the development and the main part of Eynsham.




That the following response be sent to West Oxfordshire District Council:


Policy 15 Public Transport & Policy 17 Road Connectivity & Access


Witney Town Council welcome the A40 corridor bus services, including the bus service through the Garden Village. However, neither Policy 15 or Policy 17 include provision for safe pedestrian or cycle access to these sustainable transport options for users on the South side of the A40. Particularly with the upcoming West Eynsham development of 1,000 new dwellings. Connectivity to this new development, as well as connectivity to existing neighbour towns and villages is key to maximising sustainable transport options, balanced with improvements for A40 traffic.


If the sustainable transport options are to be accessed ‘over road’ this can only be done safely with a pedestrian crossing. A traffic-light controlled crossing would add unacceptable levels of traffic delays to the already congested A40. Connection via a subway would be the safest pedestrian and cycle route with least impact on A40 traffic and best protection for vulnerable road users.


All junctions, including those from side streets and roundabouts should include safe priority access for cyclists, moving away from old style engineering road layouts that require cyclists to give way.

Supporting documents: