To consider the report of the Venue & Events Officer.
Consideration was given to the report of the Venue & Events Officer. It was noted that in respect of the grant application by Witney Music Festival (WMF) that the decision would be made by Policy, Governance & Finance Committee but this committee could make recommendations.
In respect of free usage of The Leys by Witney Music Festival for the main concert it was agreed that should be continued.
The committee considered the application for a grant, to be paid back later, and expressed their support for events and ongoing development of the arts in Witney. It was noted that no budget was specified for this purpose but an allocation for the free use of The Leys had been made. Clarification was given that the last festival had broken even. Members suggested that other organisations such as Witney Educational Foundation could be approached for financial support.
After discussion the committee recommended that the festival continued to be supported and Policy, Governance & Finance be requested to consider what funding, if any, could be made available for a grant to the organisers.
Members received an update on further third-party events proposed to be held on The Leys and Burwell Recreation Ground. In response to a question, funding from the Town Council for Witney Carnival was clarified. It was noted that there had been some concern about noise from some events and the committee considered whether some kind of limit on the frequency of events should be implemented.
After discussion it was agreed that only a small number of events had potential noise impact for local residents and levels were controlled by legislation therefore no changes were needed. It was further agreed that the current first come, first served basis for event requests should be maintained.
1. That, the first come, first served basis regarding event requests for the same or periods of time which are too close together be endorsed; and
That, the request from Witney Music Festival for a financial contribution through a grant application be supported and the application be considered to the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee.
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