Agenda item

Finance/Budget Report

To consider the report of the Town Clerk.


Consideration was given to the report of the Town Clerk seeking a review of budgets allocated to the committee in light of decisions taken by the Council when setting its precept.


Members noted the present position and it was suggested that the £10k currently allocated in the revenue budget for CCTV could be removed as there was also an allocation within earmarked reserves towards the capital cost of cameras at the Leys and Burwell.  However as a mobile camera had been sourced by WODC/TVP it was considered that this earmarked funding was no longer required. The money could therefore be reallocated from the revenue budget accordingly.




That the Committee makes the recommendations to the Policy, Governance &  Finance Committee that the allocation of £10k in the revenue budget for CCTV be removed, and the expenditure met from the Earmarked Reserve set aside for CCTV equipment no longer required.




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