To consider the report of the Town Clerk.
The committee considered the report of the Town Clerk updating on the budget decision taken by Council and seeking consideration of the budgets allocated to the committee.
In response to questions it was clarified that the building surveys, CCTV and energy surveys were allocated as earmarked reserves.
In respect of Windrush Cemetery it was asked if the £25k allocation was needed or could be reduced. In response it was explained that this was for the road infrastructure for the future development of the site. After discussion it was considered that costs for this could be significant in the future so it was sensible to allocate the funding as proposed.
Clarification was given that the Policy, Governance and Finance Committee would consider recommendations from the other committees when making a final decision on refining the budget. It was emphasised that committees needed to look at their budgets in isolation.
Discussion ensued regarding the potential for increased income from the Corn Exchange and it was noted that this could not be guaranteed and it was preferable to look at revenue savings instead. Different operating models were discussed and clarification was given that the Corn Exchange Working Party had looked at the business model and this would continue to be reviewed.
It was agreed that, at this stage, there did not appear to be any areas within the committees remit where further savings could be made and therefore it was not possible to make any such recommendation.
That, the current budget position be noted.
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