Agenda item

Finance/Budget Report

To consider the report of the Town Clerk.


The committee considered the report of the Town Clerk updating on the budget decision taken by Council and seeking consideration of the budgets allocated to Parks & Recreation issues.


It was noted that, following the earlier recommendation, there was the potential for additional income from food trading at recreation sites. It was noted that this was not guaranteed. It was further stated that the £5k previously allocated for Quarry Road Play Area could be released back to general funds but members agreed to retain it in the play equipment budget.


In respect of allocated funds, it was reported that plans for the extension of facilities at Burwell were awaited and then a decision on the £70k that had been allocated could be made. It was noted that the cleaning contract at The Leys had been reviewed but there were no proposals at this stage. An update on developments at the West Witney Sports Ground was given.




That, the potential additional income from food trading be recommended to the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee as an amendment to the 2022/23 budget estimates.


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