Agenda item

Public Halls Usage Report

To receive and consider the report of the Venue & Events Officer.


The report of the Venue & Events Officer was considered.


Members noted the progress to date and it was anticipated that hall usage and income from the Café Bar would increase as restrictions eased and weather improved.


The Deputy Town Clerk advised that a request had been received from the organisers of the Tea Dance for a change in the way it operated. This would entail the withdrawal of an entrance fee for attendees. It was clarified that it was Town Council event and tea/coffee was provided with the organiser being paid through the payroll system for providing the music. It was noted that other tea dance events in Oxfordshire charged amounts above the current level for the Corn Exchange.


After discussion it was agreed that the present system should be retained with an entrance fee of £2.50 being charged.




That, the current arrangements for the Tea Dance at the Corn Exchange be continued with an entrance fee of £2.50 being charged.


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