Agenda item

Land at Witney Road Ducklington

To consider the report of the Operations & Estates Advisor.


The report of the Operations & Estates Advisor was received and considered.


The committee discussed the location of existing accesses, land ownership and the Rights of Way in the area. Members noted the potential housing development in the area.


After discussion it was agreed that a new access gate and associated fencing should be installed on the access road at the South-Eastern end of the allotments with the existing stile being retained on the footpath.


Members acknowledged that any changes to access would need to be properly communicated with the Allotment Association and that Ducklington Parish Council should be made aware.




1.       That a new access gate and associated fencing should be installed on the access road at the South-Eastern end of the allotments with the existing stile being retained on the footpath; and

2.       That, any changes should be properly communicated to relevant parties.


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