Agenda item

Public Benches - West Oxfordshire District Council Requests

To receive and consider additional town centre public bench requests from West Oxfordshire District Council, funded by the Welcome Back Fund.


The Committee considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk regarding the Council accepting ownership and ongoing maintenance for public benches being proposed by West Oxfordshire District Council.


Consideration was given to suggested locations for the benches being proposed. Members agreed that the siting of a bench on Bridge Street, suggestion 1, was not suitable as it would take up a lot of the pavement and was not ideal as vehicles idled at that point causing pollution. It was therefore suggested that an alternative location should be considered.


Members supported suggestion 2 for a bench outside 53 High Street and indicated that a double-sided bench would be preferable. The final location for a bench on Market Square was supported.


The Committee agreed that the Town council should take on ownership and maintenance responsibilities.




1.       That the siting of a bench on Bridge Street is not supported and an alternative location be suggested;

2.       That a bench outside High Street is agreed with a double sided bench being the preferred design;

3.       That the provision of a bench on Market Square be supported; and

4.       That Witney Town Council takes ownership of the benches together with ongoing maintenance responsibility.

Supporting documents: