To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk
The Committee considered the report of the Town Clerk updating on budget issues. Additional papers regarding grant aid for Witney Carnival were also received.
Clarification was given, in light of earlier discussions regarding bin provision, that £4k was allocated for bin collections with capital costs coming from other budget headings. In respect of other budgets it was noted that the Youth Services Grants, that had been oversubscribed this year, was less than that allocated for other projects. Whilst acknowledging it was unfortunate that the Town Council was having to fund youth provision due to budget cuts elsewhere it was agreed that a request for an additional £10k should be made.
The committee considered details of a grant funding application for Witney Carnival. Members expressed ‘in principle’ support but felt that further clarification was needed regarding income and expenditure and details of what the grant is to be used for. It was asked that additional information be requested before consideration by the Policy. Governance & Finance Committee.
1. That, the budget report be noted;
2. That, an increase in the budget allocation for Youth Grants from £30k to £40k be recommended; and
3. That, in principle support for grant funding of Witney Carnival is supported subject to further information be provided prior to further consideration of the application.
Supporting documents: