To consider the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer.
The Committee received an update on progress with the Action Plan associated with the adopted Open Spaces Strategy. In addition ratification of updated Memorial Bench and Tree policies was sought.
Members considered whether thresholds should be established for bins in Witney. During discussion it was considered that it would be difficult to set prescriptive rules and each application should be considered on the basis of likely usage and distance from other bins. The issue of responsibility for bins on other publicly owned land was discussed and it was noted that the District council had undertaken an audit of it’s facilities and had introduced a zoning system for providing bins.
Members expressed support for the updated Memorial Bench and Tree policies subject to the addition that information be made available to the public by appointment and a suitable GDPR statement being added.
1. That, no specific threshold be set for the placement of bins with each application being decided on the basis of likely usage and distance from other bins;
2. That, clarification be sought if the District & County Council’s are agreeable to the Town Council’s contractor to collect from bins on their land; and
3. That, the updated Memorial Bench and Tree policies be approved subject to the information being made available to the public by appointment and suitable GDPR statements being added.
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