Agenda item

Sewer to The Leys Bowls Club

To consider the report of the Project Officer.


Consideration was given to the report of the Project Officer outlining options for remedial works to the sewer at The Leys serving Witney Town Bowls Club.


The Committee noted the background and considered the need to undertake works to resolve the issue in light of the likely wider development of the site. It was agreed that the new sewer should run around the edge of the site as this would reduce disruption. In respect of budget it was agreed that a request for £25,000 be made.




1.       That, the quotation as presented be noted;

2.       That, the project be progressed with the new sewer being installed around the edge of the site; and

3.       That, the Council be requested to allocate a budget of £25,00 for the scheme in the 2022-2023 budget.


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