Agenda item

In-Bloom Competitions

To receive and consider the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.


The committee considered the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer in respect of future participation in the Britain In Bloom competition.


Members expressed support for continued participation and highlighted the success of this years entry in engaging with interested groups in the town. The committee indicated support for schemes in targeted areas rather than right across the town.


In respect of budget it was clarified that £6k was allocated and the committee considered this to be sufficient at this stage and requests for further funding could be made as necessary. It was agreed that a task & finish group should be established to progress the project.




1.       That future entry in the Britain In Bloom competition, be supported with entries being   for individual areas; and,

2.       That a task and finish group, with membership being agreed at Full Council, is established to consider the future of any such entry or future projects involving community gardening groups and schools, such as the suggested sustainable project.

Supporting documents: