To receive a verbal update from the Chair.
The Chair gave an update on discussions that he and Councillor Smith had held with local residents regarding the provision of a new bus shelter on Tower Hill. The committee was advised that there was opposition to the proposal from some local residents.
The committee was requested to consider how to progress the bus stop improvements as part of the developer funding package. It was noted that the Town Council could continue with providing a shelter, not progressing the project and leaving Oxfordshire County Council to consider the matter or providing a bench only with no shelter.
During discussion the committee considered the financial implications, lack of detailed passenger usage figures, restrictions on the usage of developer funding and the objections of local residents.
Members considered the various options and on being put to the vote it was agreed that the Town Council should continue with the bus shelter project with a sedum roof bus shelter subject to further discussions with Oxfordshire County Council.
That, Witney Town council continues with the bus shelter project on Tower Hill subject to further discussions between Oxfordshire County council and input from local residents on the agreed scheme.