To consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
The Committee considered five applications for funding from the Youth Services Grants together with the submissions that had been made under public participation. The committee noted that the grant totals requested totalled £52,000 which exceeded the £30,000 that was allocated. It was noted that any decisions would be recommendations to the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee.
Clarification was sought regarding the unused grant for the Witney Music Festival. It was advised that a recommendation on use of that funding could be made to Policy, Governance & Finance Committee who would consider grants at its forthcoming meeting.
During discussion it was agreed that all the applicants were worthy causes that supported young people in the town. It was considered that the application from Buttercross Theatre was for scholarships so would only benefit individuals rather than the community. It was agreed that their application could be considered under the discretionary grant scheme and via Witney Educational Foundation.
Members considered options for distributing the budget between the remaining four organisations including giving a percentage of the requested amounts to each. The criteria for the grants was outlined and options for transferring budgets was discussed.
It was agreed that a request for the unused £9,750 previously allocated to Witney Music Festival to be added to the Youth Grants Fund be made making a total allocation of £39,750. In respect of the applications, it was agreed that the grant fund be split on an equitable percentage basis between the applicants.
1. That, the application by Buttercross Theatre Group be referred to the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee for consideration under the discretionary grant scheme;
2. That, Policy, Governance & Finance Committee consider the reallocation of the £9,750 previously awarded to Witney Music Festival to the Youth Grants Awards; and
3. That, the youth Grants budget be allocated to Got2Be, Home Start Oxford, Oxfordshire Music & Arts Trust and Synolos on an equitable percentage basis.
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